
Harald Hois

Wildlife Photographer

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"These are the places to go­ : now and in the future."


"Exotic destinations like the Maldives, the Philippines or Indonesia, brimming with marine life and color – this is what the classic underwater photographer is looking for."


About the photographer


Close-ups of elegant sharks, tiny pigmy seahorses or majestic rays cast a spell on me. And yes, whale-encounters, too, stir my blood. However, what makes me truly leap for joy are freshwater destinations like the Alps, Iceland, Lake Baikal or Estonia. 

Exotic destinations like the Maldives, the Philippines or Indonesia, brimming with marine life and color – this is what the classic underwater photographer is looking for. Close-ups of elegant sharks, tiny pigmy seahorses or majestic rays cast a spell on me. And yes, whale-encounters, too, stir my blood. However, what makes me truly leap for joy are freshwater destinations like the Alps, Iceland, Lake Baikal or Estonia. As an Austrian-born photographer I have been enjoying the daily and rare privilege of diving in drinking water since my very first dives. Sadly enough, in too many places on earth water resources are limited and tap water is non-potable. 

Anyone from Egypt, the Philippines or Indonesia, or many other places where potable water is bottled, would consider diving in lakes or rivers detrimental to their health rather than an enjoyable underwater experience. I am well aware of how fortunate we are in Austria with our abundance of water. The Alpine world is full of contrasts: Breathtaking mountains covered with pure white snowfields and brilliant glaciers rival with rocky canyons filled with crystal clear waters for the spectator’s attention. Ever-changing idyllic places like the periodic lake Grüner See or the karst lake Gosaulacke in Upper Austria, for instance, present themselves as mesmerizing wonders of nature. With the change of seasons, these freshwater gems surrounded by colorful pastures metamorphose into a fairytale-like Garden of Eden within a few weeks. 

After a taxing hike along a steep brook loaded with dive and underwater photography gear you suddenly glimpse a turquoise blue marvel. Take your rope, downclimb to a natural wonder filled with the freshest water imaginable, slide in gently and explore a ten-meter rock pool that has never been dived before. Enjoy a natural wonder at an altitude of 2.000 meters amidst a rough mountain landscape and untouched by men. These are the places to go. Now and in the future.

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